No Bitcoin miner, but you're not the first person to report this issue. Other's got it working by restarting the game but I have no clue what's causing the problem.
PET CEMETERY: La pacífica vida rural de un hombre normal da un giro siniestro después de que una muerte accidental desencadene una extraña cadena de acontecimientos, el karma no perdona... Muchas gracias por el juego, saludos!!!
You have this brilliant idea to dispose of a very dead body. The one you personally killed. Because you're a nice guy, you even wrap the body in bedsheets so it won't be too cold outside :o] You dig a deep grave, but once you're done putting the body in it, you feel so tired and decide to finish the job the next morning, when you're fresh and fit, or will you...?
I didn't run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved, and thanks for making this game!
While very short this is a good experience. The perspective switch probably makes it scarier but I do not have a few of being buried alive, so likely a scarier game for those who are. Also the dirt being moved sounds like a shotgun.
Hello the owner of the game. I am iix_FranK Gaming 🇹🇭 on YouTube and my nickname is Frank. I will come to encouragement comment for your only because this game is interesting. although nobody comes to your comment, I am willing to help encourage your Horror game and another English that we can only speak each part of the vocabulary phrase that is remembered, but may not speak English like any other person, Because I'm not good at speaking English. except I speak Thai language and you may not be able to listen to our Thai language because most of people don't have to read my language, but you don't have to read our language. it's no problem. because I just came to cheer up your horror game and your design game is Good which is better than encouraging your game in case you continue to develop the game, hopefully you'll see this comment and make you glad and happy.
I've missed short horror games from you. Just checked out your previous games and remembered how fun it was to make a video of your game and post a comment, so yeah, this was nostalgic. Hope you make more and I do highly appreciate your support as well. All the best to you mate!
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Short but sweet! Good job!
Pet Cemetery indie horror game (
Nice game great
Interesting game, but suuuuper short xD
No Menu or Way to start, bitcoin miner? :)
No Bitcoin miner, but you're not the first person to report this issue. Other's got it working by restarting the game but I have no clue what's causing the problem.
Good horror game.
Jogo muito bom e agradeço por colocar a opção de brilho, pois os jogos de terror sempre estão muito escuros e difíceis de enxergar.
Bug: o jogo está difícil de clicar na porta e escavação.
Made a video
Nice little game! I kept pressing the interact button and it was just not working for me lol But I managed! [First game in video]
i was also having trouble interacting in the game.
Hello, I played this game, and I liked it, good work :)
PET CEMETERY: La pacífica vida rural de un hombre normal da un giro siniestro después de que una muerte accidental desencadene una extraña cadena de acontecimientos, el karma no perdona... Muchas gracias por el juego, saludos!!!
I like this game a lot, it has a good theme, I want you to subscribe to my channel, greetings friend!!
Bem feito com uma curta história aberta a interpretações.
This was a fantastic little horror game!
lumayan lah, yang bikin seramnya sih bagian terakhirnya tiba-tiba kita bangun di kuburan.
that was well made, keep it up!
Comments below clip:
You have this brilliant idea to dispose of a very dead body. The one you personally killed. Because you're a nice guy, you even wrap the body in bedsheets so it won't be too cold outside :o] You dig a deep grave, but once you're done putting the body in it, you feel so tired and decide to finish the job the next morning, when you're fresh and fit, or will you...?I didn't run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved, and thanks for making this game!
Nice Game
This game was fun to play
Interested in playing this, but I have no start button on the Linux and Windows version :(
When you start up the game, is there nothing like this panel on the right side? It may be a problem with the UI font but I need to check it.
It randomly decided to show the menu after I booted it up a day later haha
Weird, I really can't imagine why this happens but at least it works now :D
Yup, super glad I got to play it, great game :D
I will be playing this live tomorrow 3/5 around 630-7PM EST.
not showing for me rn
hey man when i download this game wheres the start button?
Normally it should be at the top of the start Screen.
not there maybe a bug
Hello the owner of the game. I am iix_FranK Gaming 🇹🇭 on YouTube and my nickname is Frank. I will come to encouragement comment for your only because this game is interesting. although nobody comes to your comment, I am willing to help encourage your Horror game and another English that we can only speak each part of the vocabulary phrase that is remembered, but may not speak English like any other person, Because I'm not good at speaking English. except I speak Thai language and you may not be able to listen to our Thai language because most of people don't have to read my language, but you don't have to read our language. it's no problem. because I just came to cheer up your horror game and your design game is Good which is better than encouraging your game in case you continue to develop the game, hopefully you'll see this comment and make you glad and happy.
I‘m glad people from other countries can enjoy my games too!
Great short game!
Included this in my 2 random horror game video!
Short but not bad for what this was! Made a video on it.
cool game you should totally make a pet sematary game about the movie
Even though it served as an inspiration I fear it may cause copyright issues, so I'd rather not, but thanks for playing and cool video!
Nice great short horror game well done keep it up!
Superb! Just simple, shocking and does the job.
I've missed short horror games from you. Just checked out your previous games and remembered how fun it was to make a video of your game and post a comment, so yeah, this was nostalgic. Hope you make more and I do highly appreciate your support as well. All the best to you mate!
Good luck with new developments.
Thanks, my thoughts were along similar lines when I made this game. As always your comments are greatly appreciated Niven!