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Hello there,

Had a blast exploring your game in my last stream today:

Loved it! Surprising experience!

Keep up the good work!

Es una idea interesante, me hubiera gustado que hubiera algo mas, pero aun así esta bueno

It's too dark to understand what's going on here...

Strange but pretty fun. I like it. 

Strange but pretty fun. I like it. 


Liminal spaces are very interesting, this one was no different. Although i wish it was a bit on the creepier side, it didn't fail to disappoint on what it offered ! 

I made a video on your game if you're interested :)

Comments below clip:

Well, fvck me. I thought I'd seen it all. But did I? Of course not. I knew the upper, but did I know what lurks below...?

Only 1 way to find out. Watch [or play] the damned thing!

Kudos to all involved!

I made a video on your game (20:25)

(1 edit)

Liked it :D

Really fun little game, good work :)

Very interesting game, it wasn't bad! I do wish there was a way to turn up the brightness. However, made a playthrough of this, with my feedback at the end. I hope you enjoy! 


For what it was it was not bad, flashlight was basically near useless Lol. Made a video on it.

nice backrooms