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i broke the game and i broke it very very badly lls 

i think i got world record...

We all knew this day would come. Hagrid had that look in his eyes for awhile, and even if he's supposed to be guarding the halls, we all know what he's really after......

For a joke survival-horror/platformer/school shooter game, this game is strangely fun to optimize for speedrunning. The Hagrid section doesn't seem too unfair as you have plenty of time in most of the difficulties to react before getting jumpscared, the platforming was really straightforward, and the ending section just felt like a nice little laugh at the series.

Some of my big issues with this game come from the softlocks you can get without trying; any section with a slight ledge that you can walk down can block you from moving back up (most notable in the section before the ending sequence). The platforming section, while straightforward, had too many diverging paths that led nowhere, and since you couldn't run, felt really sluggish at times. Dialogue also felt extremely slow as you can't skip some of the mandatory things characters say (really felt this one on repeat playthroughs)

The dancing Snape Easter Egg was a really nice surprise (I couldn't find any others if there were)!

All in all, it's a quirky joke game that pokes fun at the separate genres that it styles itself over while providing a nice little experience and an overall funny story

My Playthrough:

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This is SUCH a good underrated game! it was fun and the hagrid bits were actually scary. i SCREAMED when i first saw him. First time ps1 graphics scared me.

thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it ^^

seriously tho,i didnt expect ANY scare from this lmao


I found this game at random and I  can't say I'm disappointed lol.

Also, I'm doing a 100-day upload challenge this was day 35!

haha cool, good luck with your challenge :D

so fucking spooky

Very funny !

thank you, keep up the great work ;)

Incredible game. I've been watching through the series and this was a hilarious tribute/parody. 

Here's my gameplay:



i cant go downstairs on the beginning of the game i go to the stairs and i cant go down, any solutions?


you have to talk to Dumbledore first, he is to the left of the stairs, after he’s finished talking you can go downstairs. 

Loved the game... don't do drugs kids! I think I found a bug that is a bit irritating since there isn't really a way to "go to last checkpoint" and you get stuck... but otherwise great!


I always knew Dobby was an addict. 

This game was something else, never in my life did I expect to play something like this but I did and now I'm confused and scared. Great work 10/10

Music is top-tier Beethoven and the game is modern Picasso. At this point I don't even know what I'm saying but to put it plainly I fucking love the game. Good job!

Haha love this comment 

and I love this comment

main music perfect 

Fun game but I've been fooled by a trap at the end :(

Btw I'm trying to reach 50 subs so if you enjoyed the video it would mean a lot to me that you'd consider subscribing to my channel :D

Gave me so many good laughs! I loved it!

This is my first ever video and its playing this game lol. Love the game tho

You've ruined my childhood... and I love it! Nicely done!

My god this has been a lucid dream of a game, it got me into really wanting to make vids and start a new channel so shot out to you.....but seriously get some damn sleep before you make more games you rat bastard.

Watch it 

I loved it, definitely fits the PS1 factor and the first thing I asked myself when playing this game was, "Why does Hagrid breathing sound so loud" lol. Great game I look forward to playing more by you. 

Very fun game please keep updating and ill countinue to play and make more vids for it, i made a vid watch it if u want it was the most fun ive had playing a game in ages :)


is this bug?

no I just placed on the side of the pillar because it was hard to pick up from the edge


"Wow, a cow made of butter. My girls would love it. In fact, the first sentence Caroline ever said was 'I like butter.'" (Cruz 2014). 

Awesome!! scary hagrid!!

This game was both fun and funny to play. Finding snape was one of the best parts and assuming I didn’t miss anyone else, it would be cool if other characters doing wacky things were hidden throughout the game. 

I had a lot of fun playing this game! Having different levels to play was nice, also really liked the old graphic style. You did a great job (: 

Hagrid The Neckbreather

really enjoyed this, really fun to play a couple of bugs but nothing game breaking keep up the good work, if you wanna check out some gameplay il leave my video below, if you enjoy the content be sure to subscribe to the channel, all support is greatly appreciated 

This game was a stupid amount of fun, I had to cut a lot of the parkour cause I said a few choice words about it. But otherwise it was a blast. 

Made a video

Deleted 1 year ago


Deleted 1 year ago

Humorous game that doesn't take itself seriously, enjoyed the experience as PS1 hagrid chased me with his heavy breathing and took revenge in the end. Thank you for making this! 1st Game.

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